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Discover our 1-2-1 Healing Services

Our Signature Healing

At the Herdman Healing Sanctuary, Martin and Libby have over 30 years healing experience between them. During this time they have practiced many different types of healing including Shamanic healing, Spiritual healing, Reiki and Sound healing.

1 Hour

Shamanic Healing

Shamanic Healing is an ancient form of healing that has been used for centuries by indigenous people all over the world. We work with energy, spirit guides, and the natural elements to help you heal on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level.

20 Minutes

Reiki Healing

Reiki Healing emerged in Japan in the late 1800’s and involves channelling of universal energy, know as qui (pronounced 'chi') from the practitioner’s palms to you to aid relaxation, to heal and to promote emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.

10 Minutes

Sound Healing

Practised for over 6000 years, Sound Healing is a very powerful form of healing and an amazing way to completely relax and let go, at its best it can transform your life. We have had some incredible results from our group and 1-2-1 Sound Healing sessions.

45 Minutes


Hypnotherapy has been practised for hundreds of years. It can help with so many issues such as weight loss, eating dissorders, stopping smoking. Also it can support strengthening the mind to help you become more confident, relaxed and bring about a positive change in your life.

Online Healing

Our online healing sessions are becoming more popular, and we are having some wonderful results. We are very confident about this way of healing for those clients who are not able to come to The Herdman Healing Sanctuary for face to face healing.

Energy Clearing

Clearing yourself of residual negative energy can improve your mood when you're feeling down, sharpen your focus for work and help you maintain an overall sense of positivity.

Animal Healing

Animal healing is similar to human energy healing. Animals are naturally very responsive to healing. We can work with a wide range of physical and emotional conditions. 

Distance/Remote Healing

Distance Healing, or sometimes referred to as Remote Healing is sent out every day at the sanctuary by Martin and Libby. This type of healing is one of the most powerful and important forms of healing.

Healing in Your Home

If you find it difficult to come to us at the sanctuary for your 1-2-1 healing, we also offer the option to come to visit you in your own home. Libby and Martin work together to provide a safe healing environment and will bring the essence and healing power of their sanctuary to you.

“Thank you giving me such a special experience yesterday.  It has taken me a little time to break the spell!  After your healing session, I walked about doing all the things I normally do but with a different mindset. My brain wasn't thinking of a thousand things --usually as one thought comes into to my head more thoughts are also clamouring to come in. However yesterday, it was all so peaceful and thoughts all came in calmly and unobtrusively.

I am very conscious that whatever I write will fall short of the depth of the experience.  
My mind was doing it usual buzzing around when the healing started, and I was conscious of the heavenly bird song outside. Would I be able to experience the healing session to its full or would my mind get in the way? It was unique to feel two sets of hands being laid on me in different parts of my body. Then I was aware that the hands had swapped places. However, it wasn't long before I found that they both seemed to merge and I was very conscious of a strange and wonderful lingering feeling, as though some spiritual imprint had been left there in order to continue working its magic, which then happened all over my body in a most special and wonderful way. Deep contention took over and it seemed that nothing really mattered for that moment, and it was a joy to let go and just be in the present.  It left with a great feeling of wellbeing --thank you both for giving me such a very special spiritual journey.

I also thank you both for dedicating yourselves setting up this sanctuary; a place for all to experience the peace and healing that so many of us need in our daily live.

Lucy Pringle

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